Friday, 1 April 2022

A for Administer

The A-Z of Ministering by Duncan Horne

Ministering describes the collective and organised effort in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints where members keep in regular contact with one another to offer spiritual support and welfare assistance

"A" post

To ADMINISTER is to perform the ordinances of the gospel. It is an act of service to either an individual or a collective group of people. 

For example, deacons, teachers and priests who are authorised, administer the Lord's sacrament to the congregation each Sunday. Fathers can administer to members of their family by giving priesthood blessings when needed. Ministers assigned to watch over individuals in the church can also provide blessings of comfort and offer special prayers of healing by the laying on of hands. Temple patrons administer the sacred ordinances of the gospel to both the living, and by the living on behalf of the dead. 

Administering also implies giving all kinds of healing and comfort in spiritual, mental and emotional matters.

Be sensitive to the needs of those you minister to and be ready to administer to them when in need.


  1. Seems like you have a good theme for you for the challenge! Administers definitely are needed and appreciated I am sure for the practicing of your religion! Good luck with the rest of the challenge!


  2. Welcome back to another A to Z Challenge.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  3. Arlee, yes sir! Good to be involved again as I was with the very first A-Z. Thanks for saying hello

  4. Hi Betty, thank you for popping over! Yes, ministering is the very work that keeps members active and happy in the church. Especially in these days, we have to look out for each other


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