History of the Church in Kuantan

We settled in Kuantan, Malaysia in the summer of 2006. As our church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, does not have a meetinghouse here, we have travelled to Kuala Lumpur and Malacca for church, and then been authorised to hold our services at our own home in Kuantan.

Here begins the history of the church in Kuantan according to our time here, beginning in June 2006 until the present day.

I'm Duncan Horne, and I will proceed to give a true and accurate record of the history of the Kuantan Group of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The historicity of these accounts is taken from my detailed journals which I have been keeping almost daily since June 2006.

I feel the Spirit gently urging me to write the history and keep a record of it. I have detailed journals of my life which include bits and pieces about our church adventure here, but not as yet is it all written in one place. That's what this is for. I'll be adding to it over the coming weeks and months, however long it takes, to search through my journals, photos and memories, and publish it all here under this page titled "History of the Church in Kuantan."

The following links lead to sections of history, in chronological order. For a clear picture, it is suggested to read in order, from the beginning:

History of the church in Kuantan - Background
(This is a brief history of my efforts to reach out to those who were far away during my mission, not knowing that the tables would be turned when I got married. Click the link for the full article.)

(In this part, I detail the first few months we were all alone in the wilderness of Kuantan. It includes how we established good gospel habits at home, attended church in KL as often as we could, and finally how we got into contact with Raymond and Nina, another member couple in Kuantan.)

(Here I recount our long travels to and from Malacca to attend church and a trip to Singapore where we became acquainted with President Leonard Woo and his family.)

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