Wednesday, 6 April 2022

E for Empathy

The A-Z of Ministering by Duncan Horne

Ministering describes the collective and organised effort in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints where members keep in regular contact with one another to offer spiritual support and welfare assistance

"E" post

Empathy is a really important quality in successful ministering and teaching of the gospel. Empathy means putting ourselves in another person's shoes. It requires a lot of thought and understanding, and a feeling of love for the person involved.

Having empathy also helps us realise that an individual may need to take a break for a while and not always be flooded with messages, sent emails, or invited for discussions.

We can take an interest in another person's life and the things they like, offer consolation in their struggles, and perceive what gospel messages, scriptures, or words of wisdom may be needed to give this person a lift at specific times.

The goodness of empathy in ministering is that our service is not about 'us', but rather it's all about 'them.'

Focus on the individual as you go about your ministering.

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