The A-Z of Ministering by Duncan Horne
Ministering describes the collective and organised effort in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints where members keep in regular contact with one another to offer spiritual support and welfare assistance
"Z" Post
We ave arrived at ze end (said in a French accent!)
Zechariah . . . Zephaniah . . . Zebedee . . . none of the obvious quite fit for an A-Z of Ministering post. This is the end, but it's only really the start of a new day, a new opportunity to minister in a higher and holier way.
I do hope you have found this series inspiring and beneficial. Perhaps these posts triggered some other feeling in your mind that has helped or will help you to better serve those you minister to.
I hope the Holy Spirit will always guide you in your desire to do your part in Jesus Christ's Ministering program, wherever in the world you may be.
As the current Elders Quorum President of my local church group, I bear the responsibility for organising the ministering effort, monitoring it, and encouraging all to embrace it and do their duties.
This A-Z of Ministering represents a whole collection of revealed thoughts, and personal and others' experiences in ministering, and interviewing fellow Saints.
There is always work to do, and souls to strengthen and save, as we gather all things in one before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
In a way maybe Zephaniah could be ministering in that he was a prophet? Or perhaps Zechariah as he ministered as a priest? I know I read at least one of your posts during this challenge. It seemed like the rest of them were thought out and written well. WTG for finishing the challenge!
Thanks so much Betty! On reflection, I could have also used the word "zeal"