Wednesday, 20 April 2022

Q for Quickly!


The A-Z of ministering by Duncan Horne

Ministering describes the collective and organised effort in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints where members keep in regular contact with one another to offer spiritual support and welfare assistance

"Q" post

As we begin to minister seriously and diligently, we will receive revelatory promptings, urges, thoughts and ideas through the Holy Ghost. These spiritual messages should be acted on quickly! They tend to fade from memory if not immediately pursued.

Such messages need to be sent quickly to those we minister to; often it turns out to be something that someone absolutely needs to hear in that very moment. Send a WhatsApp or SMS text, compose a voice message, record a short video, make a phone call, send a note to a front door.

We can then rest assured that we have obeyed the voice of the Spirit. 

When we quickly act on such revelation, we are certain to receive more. So make the habit of writing down the revelation you receive. Show the Lord that it's meaningful and important to you. 


  1. Stopping by from the A to Z. I don't have much to add here (I am not a Christian) but I have been following you this whole month and I can't argue with your passion and dedication!

    Tim Brannan
    The Other Side | The A to Z of Conspiracy Theories

    1. Hey Timothy, that's nice to know you've been keeping up with my blog this month! I've been so busy that I haven't really visited many other blogs.


Thanks for your feedback, and please come again!