Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Nauvoo Illinois Temple

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints builds temples all around the world where faithful members go to learn more of Jesus Christ and his plan, receive ordinances for themselves, and perform vicarious work for their deceased ancestors. These temples are beautifully constructed both inside and out. They are designed to direct our thoughts heavenward and seal families together for eternity. The redemptive work that is performed here is not to be found anywhere else on the earth. All people are invited to experience for themselves the grandeur and blessings of temple work by qualifying themselves to enter the House of the Lord.  In the meantime, I'll be taking you through the A to Z of our temples.


The Nauvoo Illinois Temple

The Nauvoo Illinois Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints holds emotional and historical significance to its members. The current temple is a faithful reconstruction of the original Nauvoo Temple built by early Saints in the 1840s. Extensive research was conducted to make the new version as similar to the former as possible. The first full endowments were administered to the pioneer church members before their forced westward movement which took them to the Salt Lake Valley in often treacherous conditions.

Indeed, the original beloved Nauvoo Temple was razed by arson in 1848 and then pummeled by tornado-force winds in 1850. Opposition to the church was fierce, and prophet-leader Joseph Smith was martyred during the construction of the Nauvoo Temple. His statue, along with his brother Hyrum's, are tenderly placed outside the Nauvoo Illinois Temple as a reminder of their work and sacrifice, and ultimately their death as a testament to the truth of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.

Statues of Joseph and Hyrum Smith on horseback outside the Nauvoo Illinois Temple

The Nauvoo Illinois Temple at sunset

"Holy temples on Mount Zion
In a lofty splendor shine,
Avenues to exultation,
Symbols of a love divine.
And their kindly portals beckon
To serenity and prayer,
Valiant children of the promise,
Pledged to sacred service there."

(From Church Hymns, #289)


  1. Duncan,

    I've never heard of Nauvoo before now but loved seeing the nice photos of the temple, statues, and landscape surrounding it.

    A2Z Little Mermaid art sketch ‘NEPTUNE’

  2. Thanks Cathy, I don't think Nauvoo is a particularly well-known place outside America but for our church, it is a significant part of our history and heritage


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