Monday, 15 April 2019

Mexico City Mexico Temple

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints builds temples all around the world where faithful members go to learn more of Jesus Christ and his plan, receive ordinances for themselves, and perform vicarious work for their deceased ancestors. These temples are beautifully constructed both inside and out. They are designed to direct our thoughts heavenward and seal families together for eternity. The redemptive work that is performed here is not to be found anywhere else on the earth. All people are invited to experience for themselves the grandeur and blessings of temple work by qualifying themselves to enter the House of the Lord.  In the meantime, I'll be taking you through the A to Z of our temples.


The Mexico City Mexico Temple

Mexico City Mexico Temple

The Mexico City Mexico Temple is one of the most fascinating of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It incorporates ornate adaptations of ancient Mayan design and has been renovated twice since its original dedication. It looks like something straight of the Mayan jungle.

The Church tries to design and construct temples with very local flavours and themes so that most of them are different to each other and unique to the area in which they sit. The Mexico City Mexico Temple is one of the most striking examples.


  1. That third picture looks like two chairs somewhere. Am I right?

  2. John, you are absolutely right. It's a detail of two chairs in the temple


Thanks for your feedback, and please come again!